Android OpenTopoMap Viewer: New Features and Google Play Release

We’ve finally released the OpenTopoMap Viewer app on Google Play. This version is ad-supported. Of course the ad-free FOSS version will continue to be maintained on F-Droid.

New features include:

– Draggable markers. Long-press the map to place a new marker. Drag the marker on the map to correct its precise location. Tap the marker to edit its name and description.

– Public cache. OpenTopoMap does not encourage bulk downloading of tiles. That’s why our app is primarily an online viewer. However you can now pre-load a tile collection to public storage, e.g. for regions with poor data coverage. Refer to the cache settings for the storage location on the file system.

Several improvements have been made, most notably related to map centering and switching between layers.

On a side note, we have lately noticed some issues with the availability of Lonvia’s Waymarked Trails tiles. Please beware that any feedback related to Waymarked Trails should be addressed here. Anything related the the OpenTopoMap server goes here.


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