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The Prisoner’s Dilemma source code has been released, a simple AWT based and multithreaded Java applet.
/** The Prisoner's Dilemma @version 0.20 @author Serge Helfrich 03-Aug-2002 (0.01 11-Feb-1998) */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; public class Pris00 extends Applet { double b = 1.85; double p = 0.1; int delay = 100; // increased for green thread support boolean paused; PrisCanv cv; PrisPan pn; public void init() { paused = false; Color bg = new Color(255,255,192); setBackground(; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); cv = new PrisCanv(this); add("Center", cv); pn = new PrisPan(this); add("North", pn); } public void stop() { cv.stop(); cv.thr = null; remove(cv); remove(pn); } } class PrisPan extends Panel implements ActionListener, ItemListener { Pris00 ap; TextField tfb, tfp, tfd; Button bR,bB; Checkbox cb; Label lb; public PrisPan(Pris00 ap) { this.ap=ap; Color bg = new Color(255,255,192); setBackground(bg); Label lbb = new Label("b =",Label.RIGHT); Label lbp = new Label("p =",Label.RIGHT); Label lbd = new Label("delay:",Label.RIGHT); tfb = new TextField(5); tfp = new TextField(5); tfd = new TextField(5); tfb.setText(String.valueOf(ap.b)); tfp.setText(String.valueOf(ap.p)); tfd.setText(String.valueOf(ap.delay)); lb = new Label(" "); bR = new Button("Run"); bR.addActionListener(this); bB = new Button("Break"); bB.addActionListener(this); bB.setEnabled(false); cb = new Checkbox("pause"); cb.addItemListener(this); cb.setEnabled(false); add(lbb); add(tfb); add(lbp); add(tfp); add(lbd); add(tfd); add(lb); add(bR); add(bB); add(cb); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { String tb = tfb.getText(); String tp = tfp.getText(); String td = tfd.getText(); ap.b = Double.valueOf(tb).floatValue(); ap.p = Double.valueOf(tp).floatValue(); ap.delay = Integer.valueOf(td).intValue(); if (evt.getSource() == bR) { if ( == null) {; tfb.setEnabled(false); tfp.setEnabled(false); tfd.setEnabled(false); bR.setEnabled(false); bB.setEnabled(true); cb.setState(false); ap.paused = false; cb.setEnabled(true); } } if (evt.getSource() == bB) { if ( != null) {;; tfb.setEnabled(true); tfp.setEnabled(true); tfd.setEnabled(true); bR.setEnabled(true); bB.setEnabled(false); cb.setState(false); // -> NA ap.paused = false; cb.setEnabled(false); } } } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) { ap.paused = cb.getState(); } } class PrisCanv extends Canvas implements Runnable { Pris00 ap; Thread thr = null; double p; int n; int[][] s; int[][]sn; int[] bc; double[][] pm; double[][] payoff; double b; Color c[][]; int ssn[][]; double h; Image im; Graphics gIm; Dimension d; int x,y; boolean painted; PrisCanv(Pris00 ap) { Color bg = new Color(255,255,192); setBackground(bg); this.ap = ap; } void start() { if (thr == null) { thr = new Thread(this); thr.start(); } } void stop() { if (thr != null) { thr.stop(); thr = null; } } public void run() { initialize(); for (;;) { if (!ap.paused) { calculate(); if (im == null) { im = createImage(5*n,5*n); gIm = im.getGraphics(); } { for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { for (int j=1; j<=n; j++) { gIm.setColor(c[sn[i][j]][s[i][j]]); gIm.fillRect(j*5,i*5,5,5); s[i][j] = sn[i][j]; } } } painted = false; repaint(); try {Thread.sleep(ap.delay);} catch(InterruptedException e){} while (!painted) {;} } } } void initialize() { b = ap.b; p = ap.p; n=60; int bc[] = new int[n+1]; double pm[][] = new double[3][3]; pm[1][1]=1; pm[1][2]=0; pm[2][1]=b; pm[2][2]=0;; Color c[][] = new Color[3][3]; c[1][1] = new Color(0,0,255); // blue c[2][2] = new Color(255,0,0); // red c[1][2] = new Color(0,255,0); // green c[2][1] = new Color(255,255,0); // yellow this.c=c; bc = setBoundary(n); this.bc=bc; s=generate(n,p); sn=new int[n+1][n+1]; this.s=s;; payoff = new double[61][61]; d = getSize(); this.d = d; x = (int)(d.width/2 - 5*n / 2); y = (int)(d.height/2 - 5*n / 2); painted = false; } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { if (thr == null) { if (d != null) { g.clearRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); } return; } painted = g.drawImage(im, x, y, null); } int[][] generate(int n, double p) { int s[][] = new int[n+1][n+1]; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { for (int j=1; j<=n; j++) { s[i][j] = 1; if (Math.random()<p) s[i][j] = 2; } } return s; } int[] setBoundary(int n) { int bc[] = new int[n+2]; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { bc[i]=i; } bc[0]=n; bc[n+1]=1; return bc; } void calculate() { int i,j,k,l; double pa,hp; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { for (j=1; j<=n; j++) { pa=0; for (k=-1; k<=1; k++) { for (l=-1; l<=1; l++) { pa += pm[s[i][j]][s[bc[i+k]][bc[j+l]]]; } } payoff[i][j] = pa; } } for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { for (j=1; j<=n; j++) { hp = payoff[i][j]; sn[i][j] = s[i][j]; for (k=-1; k<=1; k++) { for (l=-1; l<=1; l++) { if (payoff[bc[i+k]][bc[j+l]] > hp) { hp = payoff[bc[i+k]][bc[j+l]]; sn[i][j] = s[bc[i+k]][bc[j+l]]; } } } } } } }
Comments and meaningful variable names added by Vicki Allan: